Mission Statement

Montana State USBC, representing the national governing body, ensures the integrity and protects the future of the sport, while providing programs and services to enhance the bowling experience.  Providing equal opportunity for all in the sport of bowling without regard to race, religion, age, gender, disability, or national origin.  Promoting the game of American Tenpins.  Conducting and supporting bowling competition.

2025 Tournament Locations
~Subject to Change~




Great Falls







2025 Hall of Fame &
Delegate Meeting



HOF – Star Lanes

Delegate Meeting – Star Lanes




Back row left to right – Bert Stiles, Fred Sadler, Robert Shaw, Ron Curtiss, Greg McCannel, Guy Rolison, Tom Brendgord

Front row left to right – Colleen Talbott, Shelly Ellis, Sandy True, Jane Crowder, Elaine Wilkinson, Carol Flammond, Robyn Barker, Laurel Walker, Jo Laughlin

Not pictured: Pam Brendgord

March 25, 2006

Delegates from all over Montana converged on Bozeman to meet at the Comfort Inn. Their purpose – to elect a board of directors for the newly merged Montana United States Bowling Congress association. Seventeen directors were chosen. Laurel Walker (Rudyard) was elected president, Bert Stiles (Broadview) was chosen 1st Vice President, and Guy Rolison (Laurel) was elected 2nd Vice President. Laurel and Guy will serve two-year terms and Bert a one-year term. The state was divided into four districts with two representatives chosen from each district. Chosen from District 1 (West) were Ron Curtiss (Libby) and Sandy True (Thompson Falls). District 2 (North) selections were Fred Sadler (Great Falls) and Carol Flammond (Cut Bank). Representing District 3 (South Central) were Bob Shaw & Elaine Wilkinson (both from Whitehall) and District 4 (Southeast) reps are Jo Laughlin (Lewistown) and Greg McCannel (Billings). Two at-large directors were elected – Robyn Barker (Missoula) and Tom Brendgord (Great Falls) and four youth directors followed consisting of Shelly Ellis (Missoula), Pam Brendgord (Gt. Falls), Colleen Talbott (Butte) and Jane Crowder (Billings). Ron, Fred, Bob, Jo, Robyn, Shelly and Colleen will all serve two-year terms with Sandy, Carol, Elaine, Greg, Tom, Pam and Jane serving one-year terms. Roz Gallup (Billings) was selected Association Manager on July 22, 2006. She has a one-year contract.

District Map